Monday, April 22, 2019

Collaboratory Coding

The past month in the Collaboratory has been a whirlwind!  We have been exploring the world of coding, and it has been so much fun to see what our kiddos can accomplish!  

Our youngest learners took a hands-on approach to coding.  We love our Whole Body Coding Challenge, and it's a great way to introduce key coding vocabulary terms like command, loop, and debug.

Once students have become comfortable with more coding language, they are able to apply their learning to some of our favorite coding gadgets, like Code-a-Pillar and Code-and-Go Robot Mouse!

Students even got to create some more advanced algorithms with other devices.  Students loved using Coji, our Emoji Coding Robot!  Students even got to create a Lego algorithm for one of our little critters!

One of the greatest new additions to our Collaboratory Coding adventure has been these awesome Hands-On Coding Blocks!  You can check them out here: They are the perfect transitioning tool for when students are moving from coding with manipulatives to coding on computer programs.  They truly prepare students for what digital coding looks like and how it works.  A huge shout-out to their creators:  Marcos Navas (@mrnavas), Laura Fleming (@LFlemingEDU), and Joann Presbrey (@JoannPresbrey).  They are my coding role models, and I am grateful for their constant support!

Our student programmers LOVED the digital coding portion of our unit!  Our younger learners explored coding on the iPads, while our older learners were able to use their own laptop devices.  We had a blast working through different courses on!  We even had some fun opportunities for pair programming!

I think we have some future programmers and software developers on our hands!

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