Sunday, May 20, 2018

Research, Redesigns, and Reading Tents

Our Collaboratory Cubs were moving and shaking this week!  Not only were they working on some awesome projects, but they also had a chance to bring their families to visit the Collaboratory during our Night of the Stars Curriculum Fair!  It was amazing to watch the students eagerly share with their families about some of the projects we worked on this year as they looked through some of the photos that we had on display.  I can't believe that the end of the year is almost here!  However, our Collaboratory Cubs haven't lost any steam when it comes to their hard work!  Take a look at what we were working on this week:

In Pre-K, our students were sharing about all of the ways their names were special.  We looked at how many letters were in their names and what kinds of letters were in their names, and we made connections between their names.  Then, I challenged the students to use some pool noodle slices and toothpicks to create the first letter of their names that they can proudly put it on display at home.  


In kindergarten, our students were busy conducting some experiments to see which materials were the best thermal insulators so that we can use them in our solar oven designs.  We even tested how the materials worked when they were in flat, larger pieces and when they were in shredded pieces.  The students got so many great ideas for their solar ovens from these experiments!

In first grade, our students continued working on a some magnetic testing to see what factors can affect how a magnet levitates!

In second grade, our students did important research by testing lots of different materials to see which ones worked best at containing oil, absorbing oil, and removing oil.  Some of the results surprised our students and really got them thinking about what they would like to include in their plans for designing an oil spill cleanup process!

In third grade, our students worked hard on testing and improving their submersible designs!  Every group so far has been able to retrieve at least one sunken package from deep down in the ocean!  I am so proud of how the students continue to work hard and persevere through multiple iterations of their designs, and they refuse to get frustrated!  

In fourth grade, our students finished up reading A Reminder for Emily, and they are ready to start completing a series of experiments to learn more about electrical engineering.  However, we couldn't help but sneak in a little time to work on some Harry Potter-inspired projects to get the students ready for 4th Grade Fun Night!

One of the highlights of our week was when Mr. Worrell's students completed the reading tent that they have been working on as a special gift for the TES Library!  After many redesigns and improvements, we could not be more proud of the finished product!  The students were so eager to bring it down to the library and surprise Mrs. Smith with it! 

Stay tuned for more amazing work coming from our Collaboratory Cubs this week!